{last site update: April 10, 2002}
Master COMP 100
The site that helps you study for Yanni's COMP 100 final!
Along with this site you will need your book titled
"Computers, Communications & Information- A Users Guide" by
Sarah E. Hutchinson & Stacey C. Sawyer.


Links to each section:
CH1 -Overview- The Foundation for Your Future
CH2-Processing Hardware- Turning Data into Something You can Use 
CH3- Input/Output Hardware- Interactions between you and the Computer
CH4- Storage Hardware-Preserving Data and Information 
CH5-System Software- The Director
CH6- Applications Software- The user's Tools
CH7- Communications Technology- Starting Along the Information Highway
CH8- Uses of Communications Technology- Telecomunications, Online resources & The Internet
CH13- Advances in Computing- Multimedia, AI & Intelligent Agents
Others- Just a few little (maybe not important) thing you should know!

                                                     (clicking on the yellow will link you to Yanni's comp website)

For more information about this coarse and others, check out UCC's web site(by clicking on this picture):
University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, BC, Canada

The information on this web page is from - Computers, Communications & Information ( by S.E. Hutchinson & S. C. Sawyr)
                                                              - Yanni's Power Point notes (on his web site, link above)

Thank you both!

           Julia DeGuglielmo & Holly Bobrowich

For Questions, Comments, Concerns....or heck even our mark (hint, hint) e-mail us at masteredcomp100@hotmail.com